Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Neighborhood training in Northwest SEED's Solarize campaign

I wanted to let you know about an upcoming training for neighborhood leaders who are interested in launching a “Solar Group Purchasing” campaign. 
I realize the workshop is actually happening in Bellevue (!) but we’d love to have representation from Redmond neighborhoods too!
Over the past year, Northwest SEED has led Solarize campaigns – neighborhood group purchase campaigns for solar - that have resulted in over 140 new solar installations in Seattle, $3.8 million in solar purchases, and the creation of 14 permanent green jobs. Now, we are sharing our success with other communities to teach them how to run their own Solarize projects, to spread the economic and community benefits beyond Seattle.
With the City of Bellevue and Puget Sound Energy, Northwest SEED will present “Solarize U” on Saturday, December 1st at the Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center. The training will give participants the tools and information to lead a solarize campaign in their own community.
The training cost of $25 includes a catered lunch.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and pass this invitation and attached flyer along to anyone that may be interested in attending!
Thanks in advance for your time,
Linda Irvine
Project Manager
Northwest SEED
1402 3rd Ave. Ste 901
Seattle, WA 98101

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