Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Part II: Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce - the value of Education and Technology in the mix.

Reviewing the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce as compared to Hillsboro, OR and Beaverton OR Chambers of Commerce, it is notable the Redmond Chamber Board is loaded with government-related members and thin on technology and education, as follows:

Government representation:  1) Rob Odle, City of Redmond (COR) Staff Director  2) Richard Cole, COR Councilmember, 3) Pat Vache' COR Councilmember (Kinections), 4) Tom Martin, Evergreen Hospital V.P (public hospital)., 5) Auggie Kempf,  Evergreen Hospital District Board of Directors (Kumpf et al).

Government orientation:  6) William R. Garing is the Chamber's "governmental affairs" (Evans land use) and 7) Gene Wilkstrom (Executive Director of NW Career Colleges Federation).  NW Career College prioritizes governmental affairs and advocacy for private career colleges.

Technology:  Microsoft.   Education:  NW Career College Federation.    

Sidebar:  Not all government is excessive.  Auggie Kemp brings many resources to the table as a small businessman, elected official , and affiliation with Kirkland-based Evergreen hospital.   Pat Vache' has a valuable perspective as an elected official , small business owner and trustee of Hope-link and Lake Washington School Foundation. 

The City of Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce combines technology with education to grow and train their city's present and future workforce.   Their *Technology Center and "School to Work" (STW) programs are twin pillars towards this end.  The Chamber's popular program  has three staff dedicated to STW.  STW recruits business owners to volunteer their time to develop their future workers by:
  •  visiting a classroom and talking to students about your career (1 hour investment)
  •  inviting a student to job shadow to get an inside look of your job and company. (3 hour investment)
  •  site visits to provide a tour of your work-site to a class of eager students. (1-2 hour investment).
  •  an internship:  students work on specific tasks in your business on a regular basis related to classroom studies.  (15-30 hour investment). 
Can you think of Education and Technology community leaders that could drive similar programs for the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce?  Washington Voc. Tech.?  Digipen?  LWSD Superintendent?  Nintendo?  Physio-Control?  The Mayor?

A vibrant local economy starts with a vibrant Chamber.  Part III in this series will be on how the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce can help meet community and city needs for leadership.

  by Bob Yoder

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