October PTSA Donations to LWSD schools...and a little bit more (scroll below)
Emily Dickinson Elementary PTSA to Dickinson El - $2420.00 - to support 5th & 6th grade community building program @Camp River Ranch
Rachel Carson PTSA to Carson Elementary - $4022.72 - to purchase Accelerated Reader and Star Reading Program, copier supplies.
Samantha Smith PTSA to Smith Elementary - $3470.00 - to purchase Read Naturally Program and student council.
Redmond JH PTSA to Redmond Junior -$3830.87 - to provide academic enrichment mini-grants (supplies and equipment).
H.D. Thoreau PTSA to Thoreau Elementary - $4944.75 - stipends for Honor Choir Program ($1977.90), Outdoor Education ($1977.90), and Chess Program ($899.95).
John Muir PTA to Muir Elementary - $5100.00 - to provide curriculum enrichment ($3500.00) and field trip transportation ($1600.00).
Stella Schola PTO to Stella Schola - $3018.90 - to provide stipends for extracurricular programming work.
Margaret Mead PTSA to Mead Elementary - $3168.90 - to provide stipends.
AND A LITTLE BIT MORE: School Board President Jackie Pendergrass came up with an interesting explanation tonight for their record short, 49 min. Board meeting. Jackie indicated the Board had worked especially long this month attending the Levy/Bond input meetings. Oh? Interesting! I went to half (3) of Levy Input meetings this month and didn't see a single School Board member! Lake Washington High School had one of the largest turnouts (over 20) and not one Board Member attended. Conspicuous absences at Redmond High and Junior High, too. They'll need a better reason, next time....
These are great donations. But I'm confused why the Horace Mann Elementary PTSA on Education Hill is not making similar grants to the school for significant projects? Perhaps they were missed from compiling the list?
No. Horace Mann and other schools not on the Donation List for this month (Oct.) were not passed over or omitted. Go to www.lwsd.org and listen to the School Board video of this Monday's meeting for the facts, or look up the minutes.
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