After numerous tweaks, I'm satisfied with this Mission Statement and present it to you, my readers and friends. Do you want to say something?
I am a community activist. I do this for free. My core reporting niche is the scrutiny and daylighting of our local governments. Believe it or not, only about 1-2% of Redmond citizens really care about the City of Redmond government to participate in it's process. Present, high vacancies on the city's Boards and Commissions is one example. As long as the toilets flush, we have water to drink, roads free of potholes, taxes are reasonable, schools educate and we feel safe, then residents have other things to do than watch RCTV, go to a planning meeting, or fill out a city survey. This blog will help you feel more engaged with our elected.
To strike a balance with tedium and apathy of government (and keep Internet exposure high) I try to write about lifestyle experiences important to me as a resident that I think may interest you. But, Redmond is so much more than my family's living experience and what I think! It's about your lives. It's about what you think! So, please share your stories and photos, comment below a post, or send an email! And, please don't hesitate tell me how I can make this thing better.
I need to focus more on daylighting local governements. Will you share a Redmond experience? Do you have something to say about your neighborhood?
Thank you,
Bob Yoder, Editor
Redmond Neighborhood Blog
Please write to me at:
You cite '(p)resent, high vacancies on Boards and Commissions.' What statistics back that up?
I can't give you precise numbers of vacancies, but last time I heard, the Planning Commission was looking, the Parks & Trails commission was looking for someone outside of the city with equestrian interests, Design Review board was or is looking. the City is rewriting the Development Guide and have set up a new commission to begin work on it - some have assigned but I think they are looking for others. Part of the problem is the city never issues a press release when Boards and Commissions vacancies are filled and by whom.
In addition, at the last Council Study Session a presenter offered to help the city fill the commission vacancies. Though, not statistical I consider my assumption fundamentally correct.
Both the Planning Commission and Code Rewrite Commission are either full, or will be full following Council confirmation in 2 weeks. The DRB is looking for one person, and Parks and Trails may be looking for one person. Given the total number of positions across all boards and commissions, the city seems to be doing quite well.
Positive report, thank you! The city would do well to hire you for a job in Communications.
To keep things in perspective most of these commissions have been looking for months to fill these positions; granted, forming a new Code Development commission has stressed the administration.
Let's not forget the commissions' Youth advocate vacancies, the SE Redmond Neighborhood advisory vacancies, the Senior Center Advisory Committee and Poet Laureate/Outdoor Art openings.
If the city was brave enough to post all their openings and vacancies on one list, the public might 1) be attracted by the options and 2) see the need,feel less fearful of rejection and apply.
It appears the entire Ives Planning Commission is turning over, with the possible exception of Tom Hinman.
The Arts Commission has had the best record for recruitment and retention. What are they doing that works so well? This is a 'survey question' the city needs to answer "!
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