The Commissioners, led by able Chair Peter McDonald, brainstormed park and trail ideas, some 10-20 years into the future. To name a few:
- Indoor aquatic pool - climate change is bringing cooler weather and older adults need "soft" exercise for their joints. Children need a warm place to splash. A regional pool was discussed.
- Expand our partnership with the school district to share environmental resources, use of fields, and on.
- Build a network of soft surface walking trails for some of the best low impact exercise you can find. Provide for equestrian use.
- Outdoor performing arts amphitheatre with a focus on youth.
- The Downtown Park with a myriad of gathering places.
- Completion of the Centennial Trail that loops around the city and through the neighborhoods.
- Facilitate the growth of alternative sports from around the world: Equestrian, Cricket, Lacrosse, and Tai Chi. Plan for BMX Dirt Bike Jump parks.
Chairman McDonald made several pleas at the meeting, as follows: 1) a policy for wayfinding signage in parks and trails. Un-named trails run through parks unknown to the visitors. 2) a Parks Foundation to raise funds for the Downtown Park, an Aquatic Park, Amphitheatre and other goals. Find $10K in seed money for the Foundation. 3) Complete all the trail connections, 4) Park land acquisition - even in this economy landowners aren't selling.
Our Commissioners appear to be metamorphosing -- from task masters "wading in the weeds" -- to creating & implimenting higher-level, visionary, goal driven, work plans. Director Larsen was out ill but, three new resourceful planners offered excellent support! The commissioners are holding firmly to the reigns as they steer, ever upwards, into the 'high country' of Parks & Trails planning. I'm confident saying we can thank Mayor Marchione and his administration for the Commission's advance.
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