Monday, April 20, 2009

Downtown Parking permit fees and enforcement discussed.

Downtown Parking Implementation Program

The Planning and Public Works Committee, chaired by Councilmember Hank Margeson held prelimionary meetings on March 19 with City staff to discuss implementation of parking permit fees and enforcement by September. Councilmembers Cole, Allen and McCormick were in attendance.

According to the Committee summary minutes, full time parking enforcement is planned for September, 2009. A city engineer said that parking permits would be made available to allow permit holders to park all day where they would otherwise be limited to two hours. The planner explained that early enforcement would take the form of warnings followed later by full enforcement with the giving of citations by September. A $50 parking permit fee was suggested.

The City plans a campaign to communicate with the community about the parking implimentation program, which includes raising awareness of the R-TRIP commute trip reduction program. Could greater use of the expansive City Hall parking building ease some of the pressure?

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