Friday, March 6, 2009

Major Traffic Delays expected on Cleveland & Redmond Way this week and on future projects

Daytime construction of critical utility work at Redmond Way and Cleveland Street beginning Thursday, March 12 to Sunday, March 15 will result in potential traffic delays. Construction will begin at Redmond way and Cleveland Street intersection. The purpose of the work is to install a new water main down Cleveland Street. For more information on this project, contact Lisa Singer, Project Manager at or 425-556-2726. -- City Press Release


The above is one of many city road projects that will cause significant local or widespread traffic delays. Additional downtown road construction projects planned in the near future are, as follows: 1) Redmond Way traffic will be impeded and/or diverted when the city installs a regional stormwater trunk line down the complete length of Redmond Way. 2) Redmond Way and Clevelend Street will be converted from 1-way to 2-way streets causing delays, 3) extensions of 164th St and other grid streets will be constructed. B&B Auto mall will be demolished to build the road grid. 4) The Bear Creek Extension continues to be a mess while citizens and LWSD employees patiently await for tree and shrub plantings in the vicinity of Saturday Market, Heron Rookery, Wetland Pond Facility and the Parkway extention.

On a positive note: The once controversial 166th Ave. lane and signal light conversion adjacent Redmond Junior High is complete and appears a success. Don Cairnes was the Project Manager and led the public outreach. Nice work, Mr. Cairnes!

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