The leaves have fallen, it's gotten colder and now we won't get to enjoy the great local Redmond parks within walking distance from our house.
So what is to become of my sanity? Being at home all day long with a young child is enough to send anyone online looking for things to do out of the rain. It's good that we live in a community that is one step ahead of moms that need a break from shopping and dads a break from getting the bills from shopping.
A place to start is the Redmond Community Center Open play. Children between the ages of 1-5 pay $3 to come on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursday between the hours of 10am and 12pm to play. The auditorium is big with lots of seating for moms and there are a ton of driving toys and other distractions for the little ones.
Another option, McDonald's a more expensive one, is to join the Great Play. I had a chance to visit during their open house and was quite impressed with the teachers and the facilities. They have classes set up for different aged kids at different times, so be sure to check their website for times and costs. When the kids are climbing the walls, why not take them someplace that they can do that safely? Try Vertical World's Fall Youth Climbing Programs. Be sure to let me know how it goes since mine is still a bit on the wee side! For those that would rather bounce than climb, be sure to check out the Arena Sports Inflatable Playground off of Willow's road. The times vary for their drop in programs, but buying an unlimited pass will sure help with keeping those finances down as the kids bounce up.
With so many people that work in Microsoft that live in the area, this next one might not come as a surprise, but I forget about it all the time. The Microsoft Museum is free every weekday. For the little ones that think dad lives at work sometimes, this might be a good way to show them what dad does while at work. Of course our fallback option is McDonald's on Redmond Way. Now that there are finally healthy choices on the menu, I don't feel as guilty taking the kids there when it's pouring out. Besides, the new gym area is much better then that play structure they had before. I was finally able to go in there and feel at ease with the food and play options.
Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi
Contributing author, Overlake Neighborhood
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