When Chris Thomas of Sammamish Valley Cycle told me about a new "Bike-to-School" clinic at Rosa Parks Elementary I decided check it out. Much to my surprise, Teacher Jim Anderson an old friend from lacrosse was giving the clinic! Jim initiated the clinic and is pioneering his pilot program for LWSD .
I took lots of pictures and two short video clips of Jim's Bike to School Clinic. The
slide show is on the right sidebar. Jim had 5 clinic stations where students learned to look over their shoulder, stop, take tight turns, and follow other bikes. Safety! Safety! If a student passed the driver test and their bike was checked out by Sammamish Valley Cycle, Teacher Jim issued purple stickers upon parent approval. Scores of students (4th - 5th grade) have graduated and are biking to school this year! Jim has high goals to expand the program widely throughout LWSD schools.
The final clinic was given by Chris Thomas, owner of Sammamish Valley Cycle. The three types of bikes were demoed and discussed. Helmets and other safety equipment were described. I was amazed how Mr. Anderson could keep his students so attentive and involved! Jim didn't forget to instruct his students about the benefits to our environment from bicycling. And they listened!
Chris is holding up a "U-Lock" in the right photo. The City of Redmond recommends this lock for their green Street Art Bike racks. Personally, I find them expensive, heavy and bulky and prefer a cable. But, I did see a lot of them on a recent trip to Victoria, B.C. where biking is everywhere.
According to Jim and Chris, the City of Redmond and the RJH Principal Barone are solidly behind Jim's Bike to School program and want to bring it to Redmond Junior High and other bikable schools. If you'd like a program for your child contact Joel Pfundt, city planner in charge of the Pedestrian Bicycle Citizen Advisory Committee. Or call or email Chris Thomas. She is on the Advisory Committee.
HUGE KUDOS to Teacher Jim Anderson and Chris Thomas of Sammamish Valley Bicycle. Chris and her husband have a fabulous bicycle store and service center in Redmond (8451 - 164th Ave NE) at the base of Education Hill. Jim is a community jewel and has shaped literally thousands of Redmond youth with his teaching expertise, role modeling and passion for our children.
Come on students! Get out on your bikes, enjoy the fresh air, get to school faster, sleep in longer!
[Aside: Jim Anderson is known throughout Redmond as a pioneer for youth lacrosse on the Eastside. I coached briefly in his 6th grade program. Last year Jim started the Lake Washington High School Lacrosse Club. They made the championship tournament after only one year. But, that's another story!]
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