Wednesday, April 30, 2008

OPINION: The importance of "regionalism" to mitigating SR520 environmental impacts

Watershed Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA-8)

At last night's Council "study session" Council President McCormick and Mayor Marchione talked about the importance and relevance of "regionalism" to our city. Redmond officials appear to be "speaking with one voice" on Regional issues.

Mayor Marchione is an active member on the Sound Transit Board. I've watched him on TV. He is sharp and stands out as a leader. Councilmembers Richard Cole and Nancy McCormick have been active on the growth management issues of Puget Sound Regional Council. I think councilmembers Allen, Myers and Vache have worked on the regional issues of Human Services

Management of our watershed is regional, as well. The above WRIA 8 map demonstrates the extent of Redmond's connection with other cities in our regional "watershed area". Our watershed area extends from Everett south to Greater Auburn! It's used in large part by the state Department of Ecology to monitor salmon populations, water quality and flooding in our region.

Marchione represents Redmond in policy on the WRIA-8 committee. Jon Spangler (Redmond Public Works Stormwater Manager) is the active participant in regular meetings. Mr. Spangler recently facilitated a joint meeting with three agencies about SR520 impacts.

Last night, Mayor Marchione talked about the importance of the WRIA-8 committee to mitigating the environmental and flooding impacts of the SR520 expansion from 4 to 8 lanes. Endangered salmon and safety from flooding are the key issues.

A Bellevue official (with the help of Jean White, WRIA-8 manager) wrote a letter to Governor Gregoire requesting mitigation. Woodinville (and Redmond) citizen activists contributed significant flood data used in the letter.

Thus, Bellevue, Woodinville, other WRIA-8 cities all cared about what was impacting Redmond from the SR520 expansion. Woodinville and Redmond citizen activists created a groundswell. They wrote letters and sent a short video clip here and photos of the 12/3 flood to Rep. Ross Hunter, Chairman of Finance (and other key representatives.) Indeed, the effort was regional!

Ross was very concerned from the inputs and is taking action to fund $7M to meander Bear Creek away from the highway expansion. Rep. Hunter recently announced a TOWN HALL MEETING at Redmond City Hall on May 20, 6pm. I urge neighbors to attend Rep. Hunter's meeting in force to encourage or support possible approval of funding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your regional report. I wanted to clarify that while I have not served in the Human Services arena, I have been very busy since the first month I took office representing Redmond regionally in the following capacities:
• 520 Bridge Project Executive Committee – Alternate member for Redmond 2007-2008
• Eastside Transportation Partners- Voting member for Redmond 2007-present
• King County Regional Law Safety and Justice Committee – Suburban Cities Representative and Caucus Chair 2006-2008
• Jail Advisory Group – Elected Executive Board member and task force member representing Redmond 2007-present
• King County Growth Management Planning Council-currently serving as voting member representing Redmond.

Thanks for keeping Redmond informed!

Kimberly Allen
Redmond City Council