Monday, February 4, 2008

Did you know we have state caucuses ?

Many people are not aware that our state delegates for the presidential race are chosen in state caucuses. The Primary ballot vote demonstrates support for your candidate, but it is the caucus that counts for who wins the Presidential Primary.

Both Party Caucuses will be held Saturday, February 9th, 1:00 sharp for about an hour.

To find your where your local caucus is meeting and learn more, click the links below:

King County Republican Caucuses King County Democratic Caucuses

Procedure for caucusing: You will arrive and sign in for your candidate. You will then gather with the group of other like-minded folks. If there are any candidates with very small numbers, their supporters will then choose which group they want to join. Everyone says it's lots of fun and builds a feeling of community. Your special interests are 'heard'. Are you going?


  1. Thanks for posting this information! I am worried that people in Washington aren't aware of the fact in this close election year.

  2. Hey Caucus Attendees! I attended my first caucus today along with my wife, and a handful of close neighbors. The Democratic caucus for 20 Redmond precints was held at the Lake Washington School District office in the RTC. The turn out was fantastic. The big meeting room was standing room only, and the hallway outside was more standing room only. Our caucus spilled out of the building onto the street. I would estimate over 400 people were standing for this historical caucus.

    One volunteer was wondering through the crowd handing out an appeal to support Darcy Burner. Darcy is looking to unseat Congressman Dave Reichert. Another volunteer was handing out chocolate kisses, a welecome treat, as we waited for 45 minutes to start the first assembled group meeting. An 8-year old lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    When broke out into individual precinct groups, we moved outside into the parking lot (used by the Saturday Market). My precinct (number 48-2369) had 25 people standing for presidential candidates and naming 6 delegates (3 primary, 3 alternates) to attend the King County convention, planned for April.

    I was keen to hear what 3 young voters had to say. They spoke for the need to vote for change in the national government. One echoed the encouraging words of Senator Obama. Another spoke about Senator Clinton and her unique experience as First Lady.

    We were asked to speak out about the Bush administration, and our commitment to electing a Democrat for president. One senior voter shared that he was ashamed of the Bush administration, and he felt the war in Iraq was wrong.

    Overall, the attendees were orderly and relatively quiet. We were told there was Quest testing in progress in the upstairs of the School District Office. But I felt there was a quiet determination to take back the White House in this important election. The last two elections have been very close, so I hope folks get out and vote in November. Every vote counts!
