Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Odds & Ends"

Odds & Ends

Affordable Housing 101

"Thumbs up" on purchasing Lake Tapps

That jokingly "evil" PRR government form!

SR 520 road widening news!

Affordable Housing 101- Many citizens are mis-informed about affordable housing, thinking it is funded primarily by public assistance. On the contrary -- on the Eastside, the majority of affordable housing is funded by the private sector. Visit "Housing 101" to learn more. Mortgage assistance (4% loans, and more!) is available for first time buyers of homes under $361,000 with incomes ranging from $40K - 67K. For details visit "House Key Plus ARCH". And don't forget to tell your children!
-- source: City Council meeting, 2/2008 and Arthur Sullivan, Program Manager, ARCH.

"Thumbs up" on buying Lake Tapps - The city council gave a "thumbs up" on approval of the Purchase and Sale of Lake Tapps (near Tacoma) for the Cascade Water Alliance. The Cascade alliance plans to pipe water into Lake Tapps for storage. The water source is the White River. It drains Emmons glacier on Mt. Ranier -- the ultimate source. A pipe up to 70 inches in diameter will transport the Lake Tapps water to Redmond and other eastside cities and districts. Since 2003 Emmons glacier has been receding. In one study, University of Washington scientists forecast a 59% loss of snowpack by 2050. I've mountaineered Emmons - its huge. The receding glaciers were not discussed publicly as a concern by the either the Cascade alliance or city officials during the council 3/08 meeting. The Cascade alliance pipe, conservation, and a smaller carbon footprint will ALL be required to keep our water supply at capacity. "By 2020 existing water supplies will not be enough to reach forecasted demands" according to the "2001 Puget Sound Regional Outlook". Councilman Cole summarized, we are fortunate to have the resources of Cascade Water Alliance.

That jokingly "evil" PRR government form - "PRR" is a government acronym for "Public Records Request Form". Yes, indeed, the public has a wonderful tool to acquire information they need to conduct business with the government and communicate with neighbors. It's the PRR! When you can't get the information you want from city hall you can try a PRR! By state law (and as long as your request is NOT for profit) the city is required to hunt around for what you ask for -- budget information, land use documents and more! And they can't dilly dally. Law states the information should arrive within 5 working days. Obviously, the city doesn't particularly like us snooping around "their records" and it creates extra work on their part. In addition, some would prefer to control the "inside information" rather than give it up to the public. Thus, the PRR is jokingly "evil" to some but a god-send to most.

SR 520 road widening news - Word is out a few local city and state government officials are "cautiously optimistic" about funding a Bear Creek meander to move it away from the 4 additional lanes planned for 520. The lanes will be built on the creek-side and will consume flood plain capacity and threaten endangered salmon. Meandering the creek will mitigate flooding, make traveling safer, and protect the listed salmon. Citizen Gary Smith (past Trails Commissioner, salmon aficionado and Water Tender ) has spearheaded and coordinated citizen efforts with the city, agencies and legislature and is a large reason for the success we've had to date. You can find Gary's regionally renowned 520-Bear Creek flood video clip here. Gary only recently announced guarded optimism for creek restoration funding.

Bob Yoder
Education Hill neighborhood

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