Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Redmond Youth Lacrosse - "the little sports engine that could"



a game of thrills, quickness & skill has long been called .......

......."the fastest game on two feet" & "the little brother to war"

(Have you see the movie "The Last of the Mohegans?")

.... and after watching lacrosse in Redmond grow from "Smitty's" original Redmond Men's Lacrosse Club I played with in '83, to the Redmond Lacrosse Club and it's scores of teams today...I like to call it "The little sports engine that could!" Kids begin playing in 3rd grade. And yes, girls play too!

One can only say, Lacrosse is so much more. Every year it's evolved and grown, with hundreds of youth & high schoolers playing at Redmond schools and parks.... or wherever they can find a field, coach, or referee!

For the scoop on just how big lacrosse is in our area a must visit is Fred Wilmot's WALAX site. WALAX.com is the headquarters" for Northwest lacrosse. The game is a "Spring sport" that's evolved to year-round play. You'll find winter indoor clinics starting up now!

On the LEFT, that's a Seattle Lacrosse Club player in blue. He is looking to "feed" the ball or "dodge" to the goal. I played with Seattle once. The red defenseman is trying to get this blue attackman out of the goal area. I played "D".
Look at the goalie below "filling the hole" of the cage. The "keeper"
on the right really shows you how to fill it

Thirty-six years ago in college, I picked up my first wooden stick and a leather helmet. My passion for the game and camaraderie is lasting. Would you like to know more about what's going on with lacrosse in Redmond?  Don't worry! Many avid Redmond fans will be happy to tell you their angle on the game!
Additional links:
Lake Sammamish Girls Lacrosse Club  9th - 12th Grade 
Redmond Boy's Lacrosse 3rd - 12th Grade
http://www.walax.com/ The Northwest's #1 Lacrosse Website

- additional links and youth photo contributed by Tom Wehe

(For more information on Lake Sammamish Girls Lacrosse Club contact Mary Kayser at mary_kayser@comcast.net or 425-836-8849.)

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